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Winter Home Fires


Winter Home FireWe know some of you like to have fires, especially in the winter. But what about accidental fires in the house? Did you know that home fires are more prevalent in the winter months than any other season? According to the National Safety Council, cooking is the leading cause of all winter residential fires. However, the use of space heaters, fireplaces, and candles in the winter months contributes to the increase in home fires. While proper use of these devices in the winter will help you your home feeling warm, the National Safety Council provides these tips for how to ensure you and your family remain safe:

  • Install both types of smoke alarms (ionization and photoelectric) and carbon monoxide alarms; change the batteries at least once a year in these devices
  • Plan – and practice – an escape route and agree on a meeting place outside of your home; be prepared to assist young children, family members with special needs and pets
  • Know two ways out of every room in the home
  • Learn how to use your fire extinguisher
  • If your clothes catch on fire, stop, drop and roll
  • When evacuating, if door handles are hot, pick an alternate route; learn two ways out of every room
  • Leave your house and call for help; do not go back to help someone else