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What to Have In your Winter Survival Kit


Understanding What Should Be In a Winter Survival Kit

winter survival gear in trunk of carMost North Dakotans know that their car should be equipped with some sort of winter survival kit. But just what should you be keeping in your vehicle as you travel during the cold winter months? The North Dakota DOT and MWLO recommend that your winter survival kit include the following items:

  • Several blankets or a sleeping bag and warm clothing, such as parka, boots, long underwear, heavy socks, mittens, ski mask.
  • A source of heat, such as a multiple wick candle can heater. It is best to also have matches to light your candle, because some lighters won’t work in extreme cold.
  • Water and a metal container suitable for melting ice or snow to be used for drinking water.
  • A radio and flashlight with extra batteries.
  • Food, such as hard candy, jellybeans, raisins, nuts, candy bars, dehydrated fruit, and jerky.
  • Something to read to help keep you awake.
  • A folding cup.
  • Toilet tissue.
  • Bright red or orange cloth and whistle to signal help.
  • Nylon rope.
  • A bag of sand or non-clumping cat litter to use under your tires for traction if your vehicle gets stuck in the snow.
  • Road flares or reflective warning triangles to signal for help or notify other vehicles of your presence.
  • Jumper cables.
  • A collapsible or folding snow shovel for digging out your vehicle.
  • Chains for your tires.
  • Hand warmers that can be placed inside your gloves or boots.

Use these tips and you’ll be sure to stay safe no matter your situation. You’d rather be over-prepared than under-prepared!

If you are ever injured in a car accident that was caused by someone else's negligence, you should reach out to the attorneys at Maring Williams Law Office for a free, no-obligation consultation!

