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Pokemon Go Safety Tips


Pokémon GoPokémon Go has taken the U.S. by storm the past month. Even if you don’t play the game, you likely know someone who does. One doesn’t have to look far to see someone walking with their eyes glued to their phone screen. There have been numerous reports of Pokémon Go related accidents across the country. Although there are obvious safety tips that should go without saying, such as never to play while driving, The Huffington Post has provided some other essential tips to remain safe while playing the game.

  1. Scope Out Poke Stop’s or Gym’s Before You Go

While all Poke Stops and Gyms are located in public places, it’s still a good idea to do some research on the area you’ll be visiting before you make your way. Some are bound to be safer than others, and by doing a simple Google search, you could avoid ending up in an unsafe area. This is especially important if you are playing Pokémon Go when traveling, where you don’t have as good of a read on the neighborhood.

  1. Parents Should Accompany Children, When Possible
    Your child might not be too enthusiastic about being escorted, but it’s best if parents accompany their younger children the first time they visit a Poke Stop or Gym to make sure it’s a safe environment. For older kids, set up a pre-determined check-in time so you know they arrived safely and are enjoying themselves in a secure location.
  2. Players Should Remain Aware of Their Surroundings
    It’s easy to get distracted while playing Pokémon Go, so make sure you check in with your surroundings regularly and stay aware of where you are in the real world. While bumping into a tree or stepping in a puddle might be harmless, the game has been known to have glitches that accidentally place Pokémon in the middle of streets and other dangerous locations.

Also remain aware of those around you. Many of the people you encounter will also be playing Pokémon Go, which can be a fun way to meet new friends! However, there are still people out there who want to harm or scare you, so don’t get so distracted by catching Pokémon that you don’t notice telltale signs that someone nearby is looking for trouble.

  1. Be Respectful of Private Property
    If you see a Pokémon in someone’s yard or private area, DO NOT seek it out without permission, no matter how rare it might be! Trespassing on private property is against the law, and there has already been one extremely sad case of a teenage boy being shot and killed while attempting to catch Pokémon on private property in North Carolina.
  2. If You’re Going Out at Night, Be Extremely Careful
    Avoid going to your favorite Poke Stop or Gym after dark—even if it is safe during the day, robbers or other criminals might be present at night. Armed robberies have recently been reported in Missouri, Maryland, and California, and the trend is unlikely to stop until players wise up and stop putting themselves in compromising positions.

If the temptation to seek Pokémon at night is too strong to resist, try to adventure with a group of players instead of going by yourself or, at the very least, let a friend or relative know where you are going and when you plan to return.

Source: Huffington Post
