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Break These 5 Bad Driving Habits


We all have some bad habits when it comes to driving. Some of us talk on the phone, text or are distracted because of the passengers that are in our vehicles. We want all of you to be safe while on the road, so we’ve researched the Top 5 Bad Driving Habits that are easily correctable.

Avoid these bad driving habits to help keep the road safe:

  • Failing to signal. It’s important to let other drivers and pedestrians know your next move so they can slow down and accommodate. Signal at least 100 feet in advance.
  • Rolling through stop signs. Even if you think the streets are clear, come to a complete stop before turning or proceeding into the intersection. If you don’t and the intersection is not an all-way stop, you may cause a crash.
  • Slowing down to look at crashes or construction. “Rubbernecking” is not only dangerous, but can also contribute to a chain reaction of slowed traffic. Keep your eyes on the road ahead so you can stay alert to closed lanes or police officers directing traffic after a crash.
  • Running yellow or red lights. It can increase your chance of a crash. If the light turns yellow before you reach the intersection, it’s best not to risk it.
  • Disregarding the speed limit. Though posted speed limits vary by state, use the following ranges as a general guide if you don’t see a posted limit:
    • Residential area: 15–30 mph
    • Undivided road (rural): 40–55 mph
    • Divided road (rural): 55–70 mph
    • Freeway: 55–65 mph

Source: State Farm Insurance

If you have suffered an injury in a car accident, contact Maring Williams Law Office today to discuss your case.
